Going for Gold
Sixth Form Duke of Edinburgh

Mr Ellis (DofE Manager)

During the last week of the summer holidays, Sixth Form students Olivia Benjamin, Bryony Fleming, Sophie Parry and 2019 BGS alumnae Kaia Sweatman and Lily Talbot undertook Gold assessed walking expedition, which took place in the Yorkshire Dales (Monday 26th – Friday 30th August).

Unlike last year, there were no heatwaves to deal with in fact the kindest word that could be used to describe the weather over the August bank holiday in the Dales was changeable. From bright sunshine on day one to wet and windy the next, it threw up its challenges however, the group of five participants proved its equal and then some.

The group had performed extremely well during the practice expedition in the Peak District, so all the signs were there that the assessed expedition would go well and it did. From the navigation during the day to the campcraft in the evenings, the group exuded a confidence that no challenge would prevent them from having a successful trip.

Well done to all those who have taken part in expeditions this year and here is looking forward to the start of the next expedition season starting in March 2020.

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Going for Gold