We are delighted to announce that the The Independent School Inspectorate (ISI) has awarded BGS Excellence in all areas, following their three-day inspection of the school in January 2020.
A team of six Inspectors focused on two key areas of outcomes and concluded that both the Academic and other Achievements, and Personal Development of the students were excellent. Under the ISI framework this is the highest outcome that a school can achieve.
Miss MacKenzie, Headmistress, said: “We are thrilled with the ISI findings. Our excellence stems from delivering a clear educational vision through our partnership with staff, students, parents and the wider community, as we all work together to ensure that we are providing an exceptional forward thinking education for our students. I am extremely proud of our staff and students and this report provides a great platform from which the school will continue to grow.”
The stand out headlines are that “Pupils develop excellent skills for learning for an early age” and that they make “rapid progress in developing knowledge, skills and understanding as a result of the high expectations and effectively prepared teaching.”
Looking beyond just academic achievements it highlights that the “Pupils excel in a wider variety of sporting, creative and academic extra-curricular activities.” Whilst also commenting that “the pupils’ excellent moral and social development is reflected in a community which is built on kindness and mutual respect.” The report also highlighted that “pupils develop excellent life skills throughout every stage of the school.”
In line with the school’s focus on integrating technology into education the report noted that “Pupils competence in using ICT to support their learning is outstanding.”
The inspection also included the compulsory compliancy inspection, where a school can only be awarded met or not met. Bedford Girls’ School achieved met for this element of the Inspection.
Read the full report here.