The New Face Behind Sixth Form Instagram
Sixth Form

We are proud to announce that the Sixth Form Instagram account has now been passed to another aspiring marketeer, Evie Bradwell (Lower Sixth). The Edit sat down with Evie to talk about why it is important to connect with students through social media.

A huge thank you to Gabi Dennis (Upper Sixth), who previously ran the account and showcased the student experience through the eyes of the Sixth Form students. We wish her all the best as she embarks on the next stage of her life.   

Who asked you to be the new face behind the Sixth Form student led Instagram account?

I had been exploring career options and decided that digital marketing is something which really interested me. I discussed this with Mrs Woolley (Director of Sixth Form) in one of my careers meetings and she then asked me if I would be interested in taking over the Instagram account. After being asked, I arranged to meet with Gabi who had overseen the Instagram the previous year and spoke with her about her experiences with the account and how we both had similar interests in terms of future career choices. Gabi gave me some really helpful tips and advice on how to create content for the account and I’m hoping to showcase the Sixth Form as well as she did.

Have you been trained and had any guidelines from the school?

Before being able to access the account, I met with Mr Mall (Marketing Executive) who provided me with a set of guidelines in order to create content which was effective yet safe. Whilst I was given guidelines, Mr Mall made it clear that I should have fun with the account and use the platform to showcase what we get up to in Sixth Form through the eyes of the students.

Do you have a team who will help promote and support the Sixth Form key messages?

Whilst there isn’t a specific team everyone in the Sixth Form has been really helpful in providing me with ideas and creating content, it's really important to me that everyone is able to have their input on what I share to the wider community. For example, the South Asian Society recently held an open meeting which they needed help promoting and so I was happy to be able to post and make people aware of the event.

How are you going to keep building the BGS Sixth Form Instagram following?

Gabi has done such a great job already at building a following and I am hoping to carry this on through my time overseeing the account. When posting I am going to make sure I use the relevant hashtags in order to reach a wider audience, I will also make sure to repost and tag the Official BGS account so that I can share to the followers from that account.

What skills are hoping to gain from running the student-led Instagram account?

I am hoping that managing the account will give me experience in how to create and post content for an account that is not my own, and how to do so in the most effective and appropriate way. I’m aiming to make the account representative of the amazing things that go on within school and learn how to showcase the school in the best way possible, I would love for the girls younger down in the school to see the account and for them to start to look forward to reaching the Sixth Form.

What are you career aspirations?

Whilst it has been super hard recently to try and figure out what it is I want to do next whilst being stuck at home, I’ve always loved posting on social media and trying to figure out what content receives the best responses. I’m especially interested in how clothing brands use social media as a marketing tool and the shift away from more traditional marketing techniques. So a career where I am able to create content and analyse people's responses to it is something I’m definitely interested in pursuing.

How would you promote BGS to a potential Sixth Form student?

Luckily, we are beginning to reach a bit of normality and are finally able to conduct tours of the school and Sixth Form, this is something I would definitely recommend if you are considering BGS! The Sixth Form Instagram page is also a great place to get a feel for what life is actually like and what we get up to during our time at school, though it is hard to really capture the atmosphere of the common room and the constant buzz of energy and so a combination of a tour and looking at the content on the page would really give you the best feel of what life here is like.

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The New Face Behind Sixth Form Instagram