Model United Nations Conference
Sixth Form Business and Economics

Mrs Barber (Head of Business and Economics)

Over the weekend, our Sixth Form took part in The Cambridge University International Model United Nations (CUIMUN) as delegates of their representative countries. You can read more about CUIMUN here

Below you can read an account of their experience:

Masooma (Malaysia), Amelia (Saudi Arabia), Ellie (Iran), Lucie (USA)

“In the Human Rights Council (UNHRC) we covered the topics of the Yemen Humanitarian Crisis and the rights of the LGBTQ community. The countries we represented have quite controversial views and this required us to separate them from our personal views which was challenging. As delegates we had to create resolutions which were debated and all member countries voted for or against. The experience was a wonderful opportunity to see a vast variety of countries’ views and come to a common agreement regarding these topics.”

Katie (Malaysia)

“The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) looked at the issues of Latin American Migration on Saturday, and the South China Sea issue on Sunday. It was interesting being able to learn the different opinions of all the countries, as well as having to defend our own. As a committee we broke off into groups, creating resolutions for the issues which were then amended and voted on. The experience was insightful and I encourage everyone to participate in the future.”

Eleanor (USA)

“Over the two days I thoroughly enjoyed my experience as Delegate of the USA in the World Health Organisation (WHO). We debated Bioinformatics as well as equity in the distribution of medical supplies; each sparked fruitful discussion on both sides of the argument. As a main submitter for both draft resolutions, I worked as a team with other countries towards creating strong clauses and effective responses to questions. This collaboration resulted in our resolution being passed. I came out with a greater knowledge of both topics and improved problem-solving skills.”

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