Lunchbox Lecture with Sally Biddulph
Sixth Form The Bridge Careers Service

On Thursday, we were delighted to kick off our insightful Lunchbox Lecture programme with renowned journalist and broadcaster, Alumna Sally Biddulph (née Mules, BHS 1993). 

Sally presents the news on Good Morning Britain on ITV and is a reporter for the ITV lunchtime national news. Following school, she read French and German at the University of Cambridge before starting a career in the pharmaceutical business. She found that the world of business was not right for her, and so quickly switched to journalism, working in newspapers, radio and television in the UK and abroad, before starting her current role at ITV 12 years ago.

Mrs Whitlock (Head of The Bridge Careers Service) said: “It was great to have a full house in the Bridge to hear Sally’s empowering Lunchbox Lecture, with students attending from Year 8 to Upper Sixth. They asked some fantastic questions after Sally shared the path her career has followed. Her story is a great example of how, by working hard and maintaining focus and determination to reach your goals, you can achieve whatever you want, despite the inevitable ups and downs along the way. We are very grateful to Sally for taking the time to join us - the session was recorded and will be uploaded to Planet eStream shortly.”

A big thank you to Sally for presenting such an engaging virtual session and being such an inspiration to our students.

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Lunchbox Lecture with Sally Biddulph