Bedford Regatta 2018
Rowing Sport

On Saturday 12th May, the Bedford riverside was transformed into a hive of activity with over 300 boating crews taking part in the Bedford Amateur Regatta.

The regatta saw the start of our Summer Term of racing and an opportunity for the Year 9 rowers to experience side-by-side racing for the first time.

56 BGS pupils took to the water on a busy day of racing, with our Year 9 octuple and two Year 9 quads starting proceedings. The octuple had a solid row but came up against a very organised crew and lost by three lengths. The two quads also came up short but came away with valuable experience of regatta racing to take on board moving forwards.

As we moved into the afternoon, it was an opportunity for the J15 A 8+ to hit the course. They faced the King’s School Chester who had earlier beaten Putney High School. The girls got into their stride from the start and moved away, despite several counter moves by Chester, they held firm and won by two lengths. In the final, they faced Emmanuel School in what was a thrilling race. Despite clawing back to a ⅓ of a length with 300m to go, Emmanuel responded well and moved away from the girls to win by a length.

The J15 B 8+ performed amicably against the eventual winners Emmanuel losing by four lengths. Two more of our J14 quads raced over the course of afternoon. Eloise Cawood, Lydia Franklin, Anna Cestaro, Tamara Oakley-Holton and Daisy Lloyd rowed incredibly well reaching the final before losing to St Edward's School but they epitomised hard working and a great attitude to the sport.

Finally, our 1st 8 produced the result of the day first by easing through the South African Schools association, then beating Great Marlow School by three lengths to win the event.

A huge thank you to our parents and BGS staff who set up and ran the marquee, as well as the support, especially in the gradually worsening rain! The crew of the day goes to all the girls who helped on the stake boats and despite not racing were positive and supportive of BGS rowing and were excellent on the start pontoons.

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Bedford Regatta 2018