Izzy Achieves Three Grade 8's

We are delighted to announce that Upper Sixth student Izzy Jones, has obtained a third Music distinction at Grade 8. A talented musician, Izzy started playing the piano from the age of seven and later discovered her passion for singing and musical theatre.

We spoke to Izzy about her music background, she told us: “As I was working my way through the piano grades, I also discovered that I enjoyed singing in the school choirs and musical shows. I then began to take singing lessons with the same teacher. My first Grade 8 exam was piano in summer 2017, and was absolutely delighted to find out I had obtained a distinction.

The second Grade 8 exam, singing, took place in December 2017. A few years previously, I had set myself an ambition to achieve two Grade 8 distinctions before my 18th birthday. When I received the result of the exam, I was delighted that I had achieved my goal. I really enjoyed having music lessons, and my favourite part of the singing exam was the musical theatre element, so I decided to take an exam in musical theatre in April 2018. After receiving my result a couple of weeks ago, I was ecstatic to learn that I had achieved a third distinction in a Grade 8 exam. I look forward to the future opportunities I will have to continue my passion for music.”

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Izzy Achieves Three Grade 8's