Girls Leadership Group
Last weekend (Saturday 21st – Sunday 22nd April) was the official hand over from the outgoing GLG in the Upper Sixth to the incoming GLG in the Lower Sixth. This hand over was marked by a fantastic team building weekend full of activities, giving us all a real taste of what is to come in the year ahead.
The weekend proceedings began with a photograph scavenger hunt competition in Cambridge. Our creativity and ability to think on our feet were tested, as well as our willingness to run in the heat from one side of Cambridge to the other!
Saturday afternoon was spent eagerly assembling gazebos, hanging fairy lights and filling Miss Mackenzie’s house with the smell of curry as the lower GLG undertook the task of preparing a three course meal for the outgoing GLG and the SLT to enjoy. This was a fantastic opportunity for us to learn how as a group we work best. The evening was brought to a close with some very insightful words of wisdom from the outgoing GLG, advice which will prove to be invaluable as the year progresses. Saturday night was spent camping which, despite the torrential rain, proved to be very entertaining, and definitely brought the team a lot closer together.
Sunday morning brought the new GLG and prefects together for a series of team building activities, which put memory and strategy to the test. It was such a brilliant opportunity for us all to get to know each other a little better and support each other. As we left BGS on Sunday afternoon, there was a real sense of anticipation and excitement for what is to come.