By Devon Ward and Imogen Marchant (Lower Sixth)
Last weekend, the GLG and the Prefect Group immersed themselves in team building exercises that tested our communication, empathy and cooking skills, as we got to know the different strengths and weaknesses of each member.
It began with a competitive treasure hunt around Cambridge between the outgoing and incoming GLG teams, hilarity ensued as we were forced to use every ounce of our creativity in solving the clues and taking pictures of our efforts.
We then returned to Bedford to get the ingredients for the traditional three course meal prepared for the SLT and the GLG, which presented not only superficial challenges of budgeting, fairy light arranging and biscuit smashing, but also those of preparation, organisation and communication. Finally, once the meal had been served and every plate washed up, we all sat down to hear some departing words of wisdom from the Upper Sixth, which gave the GLG an incredible and personal insight into what the upcoming year holds.
On Sunday, Dr Walters led a team building session where each prefect team and their respective GLG member identified their individual strengths and weaknesses through a game of Packtypes, which will help us to adapt for the year ahead.
The weekend ended with a wonderful barbecue allowing us all to relax and prepare for the year ahead. As the marquee was cleared away and the girls returned home, it was plain to see that every one had left armed with even more enthusiasm, direction and excitement. Each team has begun to gel together, and all in all, it seems like another very fulfilling and exciting GLG year is on the horizon.