Alice by Laura Wade
Drama and Dance

Mrs Howe (Director of Drama and Dance)

“Visually stunning, poignantly moving and utterly brilliant” – just some of the audience members’ descriptions of last week’s sold out run of Laura Wade’s contemporary interpretation of Alice.

Wade’s version of Lewis Carroll’s classic Alice in Wonderland focuses on the theme of loss as Alice goes down the rabbit hole to find a way to cope with the death of her sister. Only once she has accepted her grief, can she come back out of the rabbit hole.

The highly committed ensemble cast and crew worked superbly to bring to life the surreal steam-punk world of Wonderland as realised by Set/Costume Designer, Miss Charlie Gardner, and Lighting/Sound Designer, Miss Emily Elsom.

The role of Alice was portrayed with incredible sensitivity and stamina by Olivia Benjamin (Lower Sixth), who was never off stage and perfectly captured the streetwise yet equally naïve Alice as she faced the bizarre inhabitants of Wonderland.

A challenging play both artistically and thematically, many audience members were greatly touched by this cathartic production. Rebecca O’Reilly (Upper Sixth) shares her reaction to the show: “The play was honestly one of the best plays I have seen at BGS! My friend and I couldn't believe how well the cast performed - each one was absolutely incredible and at points, we forgot we were at BGS and thought we were watching a high end production (which, to be honest, we think it absolutely was!).

“It was also amazing that each person had a big part to play and everybody had lines. The set was incredible and the meaning behind the play was emotional and gripping. The hard work all the cast, crew and directors put in was definitely shown that night!”

View the visually stunning photos from Alice here.

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Alice by Laura Wade