Miss Bream (Dance Teacher)
The students in the Junior School have responded positively and with a wonderful sense of enjoyment in Dance, exploring our various themes this half term. In somewhat restricted spaces I’ve had the pleasure of seeing thoughtful and imaginative work being composed from all year groups.
Full of enthusiasm, Year 3 explored how various weather trends can be transformed into dynamics movements, from gentle breezes to powerful hurricanes and how the forces of thunder and lightning can fill a space with impressive, energetic movement.
Year 4 have studied the intricacies and beauty of Bharatanatyam Classical Indian Dance and how this, like most dance styles, can help us to express our feelings and emotions. They have also explored the importance of Dance within religious celebrations and its diversity with cultures.
Year 5 have studied the signs of the zodiac and considered how their own perceived personality traits compare to those as suggested by the star signs; they were surprised at the similarities and how well matched they actually are!
Finally, Year 6 have explored ‘The Relationship, Connections and Dependency on Technology’; to what extent we use it and what kind of relationship we have with it, what connections can be made with technology in relation to moving, movement and dance, and how much and for what we depend on it every day. They planned a journey to a holiday destination of their choice and considered how dependent they are on technology from waking to sleeping. They learnt and composed phrases to represent how viruses and hacking within technology cause complete disruption; how would they cope if this were to happen?