Mrs Smart (Head of Science)
Last Friday, students and staff in the BGS community marked the Global Climate Strike (20-27th September) by making pledges.
We started the day with a climate change quiz during tutor time to promote discussion. In their science lessons, Year 7 investigated endangered elements, many of which are used in mobile phones and other technological devices and are set to run out in the next 100 years if we don’t find alternatives. Did you know that over 50% of us in the UK have at least one unused device in our homes that could be recycled and these elements recovered for reuse? That amounts to over 40 million unused gadgets in UK homes! As this is National Recycling Week, that’s a great excuse to dig them out and recover those precious elements.
Girls and staff made pledges during break and lunch time. They pledged, among other things, to bring reusable water bottles to school, to use the car less, to buy fewer clothes and to clear email inboxes due to the energy needed to store all our data.
The important message is that we all can and should play our part in helping to avert the climate crisis. There are lots of small changes we can all make, which not only helps with climate change but also could improve air quality, our health and save us money.
Some senior students attended the climate strike at 11am in the Bedford Town Centre - joining millions across the globe to have the opportunity to use their voice and affect a positive change.