We are delighted to announce the launch of an annual award specifically for students who achieve a place at either the University of Oxford or Cambridge for their undergraduate degree, which will be available to students who accepted their places after the date of the legacy.
This annual award has been introduced as a result of a legacy made by an alumna of Bedford High School, Mrs (Elizabeth) Anne Shortland-Jones (née Young, 1950), who made the specific request that her legacy was used to support students studying at either Oxford or Cambridge.
Originally from Suffolk, Anne attended Bedford High School as a boarder between 1943-1950 and then went on to read Classics at St. Hugh’s College, Oxford. Following graduation she worked for Investment Research of Cambridge before a securing a highly confidential role at the Ministry of Defence, which also involved her working for the British High Commission in Lagos.
An award of £2,500 will be made in Mrs Shortland-Jones’ memory for each year of under graduate study. This award is not means tested, and will be automatically awarded as long as the student continues with their undergraduate degree.
We are extremely thankful for the incredible generosity which will allow us to recognise the significant achievement of our students who gain entry into Oxford or Cambridge.
We are also absolutely delighted to announce that this year we have five students who have received Oxbridge offers. Three from our current Upper Sixth cohort and two from our 2020 cohort who applied post their results. This is an incredible achievement in an extraordinary time and these candidates are in line to be the first recipients of our new Award.