On Thursday 12th September, Year 10 embarked on a four-day/three-night residential to Edale for an adventure-based and team bonding residential. Based at one of the highest residencies in the Peak District, the YHA Edale, the girls participated in various risk-taking activities such as rock climbing, abseiling and caving, which involved elements of teamwork and building self-confidence. You can read some of the pupil reflections below:
Erin Rowe
I enjoyed every minute of my trip to Edale and found that I got most out of the activities, which I was scared of, such as abseiling. I was terrified, but I eventually got over this fear through the support of my group and the instructor. I could not have done it without them. I loved canoeing as well, especially when we capsized, and instead of getting annoyed at each other, we just laughed it off. It seemed to fly by and I was so sad to leave, but it has definitely inspired me to do more outdoor activities.”
Harriet Benjamin
The trip pushed me out of my comfort zone and allowed me to do activities I’d never tried before. It was also a great way to support our classmates and help each other through the challenges we faced. The scenery where we stayed was very beautiful. My favourite activities were abseiling and weaseling, which surprised me due to the fact I don’t like small spaces.
Kimya Ghods
“On the first day, our group went rock climbing, canoeing and abseiling, which was really enjoyable as we had an amazing instructor and we also got to abseil at night. The following morning we went on a long walk all around the hills, taking in the fantastic views. After the walk, we participated in weaseling, which was an interesting because we had to squeeze in between large tight rocks.
Sophie Forbes-Laird
“The highlight of my weekend was definitely the rock climbing and abseiling, which were extremely challenging, terrifying but enjoyable. We all had so much fun and were so lucky with the weather. I think the residential definitely brought us closer together as a year group as we got to know different people and trust each other.”