Miss Dawson, Biology Teacher (CAS & Service Coordinator)
In a year when the global pandemic has caused more families to be affected by poverty, but at a time when charities are unable to hold fundraising events, we have decided once again to support FACES (Family and Children's Early-help Services) with our Autumn Term food collection.
Food items, toiletries and sweet treats have been donated over the last few weeks and will be delivered to FACES before Christmas, where the items will be assembled into parcels and donated to families in our local community who have found themselves in difficult circumstances this year.
FACES have worked tirelessly this year to support a significantly increased service user list and we know that our donations will be gratefully received and quickly distributed. Thank you to everyone in the BGS Senior School community who donated to the collection.
FACES are also running a Christmas present appeal until 14th December, where unwrapped gifts can be dropped to the FACES office (FACES Bedford, Church Lane Community Centre, 147 Church Lane, Bedford MK41 0PW), which will then be wrapped and delivered to children across Bedford this Christmas. For more information, click HERE