Miss Dawson, Biology Teacher (CAS & Service Coordinator)
Photo - Last year’s winning group representing CHUMS.
Last term, Year 10 took part in the Giving Forward advocacy project, where they worked in small groups with a local charity of their choice to produce a presentation explaining what the charity does to support their service users and what they would do with £1000.
Six charities were chosen from internal finals – Q:Alliance, the Bedfordshire Down Syndrome Support Group, the Milton Keynes Hospital Charity, the Multiple Sclerosis Therapy Centre, Emmaus Carlton, Autism Bedfordshire and the SMART! Prebend Centre. During the Christmas holidays, these presentations were judged by Shreya Arun, our Service Captain, Mrs Gibson (Headmistress), and Lucy Bardner, the Community Programmes Director at the Harpur Trust, who marked them on their knowledge of the charity and social issue, and their creativity in producing their presentation and video.
In third place, represented by Kiki Adams, Ella Allen, Rumaisa Amir, Amelia Barrow-Jones and Aima Carey, was the Milton Keynes Hospital Charity, who will receive £250. The judges were impressed with how they used their personal experience to produce the video element of their presentation.
In second place, represented by Cecilia Kilpatrick, Mia Krnic, Lucy Russell and Dania Mahderbashi, was Emmaus Carlton, who will also receive £250. The group were very knowledgeable about the charity and how they support their service users, and were able to put the charity’s work into the current coronavirus context.
In first place, represented by Emily Pinkney, Alex Gentry, Lottie Giles, Arielle Harrison and Manal Husain, is the Multiple Sclerosis Therapy Centre, who will receive £1000. The group showed excellent knowledge of the charity, the disease itself and how the money would be used.
Overall, it has been a very unusual year for the Giving Forward project, but we were incredibly proud of the groups who took the project seriously and showed passion and determination. Each year, charities are represented which have not been represented before, so even if the charity doesn’t receive money, it has had increased awareness. Thank you to all of the charities who gave their time and information to the groups.