We’re delighted to welcome Mr Neil Harris as our new Chairman of the BGS School Committee of Governors.
Father of two BGS students, Neil is a qualified accountant specialising in audit and was an Associate Partner on Ernst & Young’s Government and Public sector assurance team. Neil recently started a new role as Director of Local Audit for the Financial Reporting Council. He has been a governor at BGS since September 2018 and was Chair of the HR, Finance and Premises Committee.
We spoke to Neil about his background, he said: “I was raised in Bedfordshire and attended Sharnbrook Upper School before studying Economics at Loughborough University. I qualified as an accountant, and forged a career in pupil sector audit. My professional background has been extremely focused on governance, making sure organisations not only have financially accurate reporting, but that they are taking the right advice and making appropriate decisions in line with their strategy.”
Neil continued: “I am a passionate believer in the forward-looking educational approach that underpins a BGS education. In particular, I have long been impressed by the School's foresight in adopting technology in the classroom and as an employer, I can see the huge advantage this digital agility will give our students as they enter the working world.
“I am equally impressed by the School's nurturing environment, and the focus on growing the confidence of the students in their care, in every aspect, not just their academic success. I share the School's overriding commitment to invest in the well-being of our students, and staff.”
We would like to thank our outgoing Chair of Governors, Ms Tina Beddoes, who during her 10-year tenure was instrumental in steering our heritage schools through the merger and overseeing the School’s ambitious forward-focused vision and strategy.