On Thursday 15th September, Year 10 embarked on a fun filled, adrenaline based, outdoor adventure residential to Edale.
For three nights they were based at one of the highest residences in the Peak District, the YHA Edale. The students participated in various risk-taking activities such as rock climbing, abseiling, weaselling, canoeing and caving, which required students to push themselves outside of their comfort zones and support each other to overcome their fears.
Veronica Poon (Year 10) thoroughly enjoyed the adventure based residential, she said: “My trip to Edale was one of the best experiences I have ever had. I met many new friends and learnt a lot of new things about myself and others. I participated in a lot of activities led by the staff at the hostel, but the one I enjoyed the most was the walk or hike.
“The view at the top of the hill was amazing, and we went rock scrambling at the top. I also went caving, which helped me realise how brave those miners were back in the days. The caving experience also helped me realise that I was not a fan of small, dark and muddy spaces, but I am proud of myself for overcoming that fear. I also enjoyed rock climbing, which helped me strengthen the bonds between me and my classmates. We cheered each other on as we took turns climbing up rocks, and we all had a great time.”
Nawaal Qazi (Year 10) reflected: “Going into Edale my expectations were high, and were definitely met. Edale was an enjoyable experience, for everyone in different aspects regardless of whether or not they didn’t like certain parts of it - there would always be something to make up for it. I personally enjoyed all the activities, especially weaselling and rock climbing. They seemed terrifying at first but actually turned out to be adrenaline- inducing, in a fun way.
“There was a sense of community because although everyone wasn’t with their friends, we’d visit each other’s dorms; and the lack of Wi-Fi meant we created fun for ourselves; which actually turned out well. It was a great trip with plenty of memories!”
Sonia Erwig (Year 10) added: “Going on a trip to Edale was a great start to the school year. It was a fun trip that helped us step outside of our comfort zone, try new things and form closer bonds to our new form group and tutor.”
Gracie Williams (Year 10) said: “The residential trip to Edale was by far the my favourite school trip I have ever been on. I tried a lot of new things and was pushed out of my comfort zone during the activities, but never pushed too far. I am very proud of what I have achieved and will definitely remember the experience for the rest of my life. New skills were developed, new friendships were made and new passions discovered.”
View photos from the residential here.