Mrs Harrold (Head of Psychology)
Since their GCSE examinations were cancelled, the Year 11 girls have impressed with the positive attitude they have taken to extending their learning beyond GCSE content and skills, undertaking bridging work to prepare them for study in the Sixth Form. The Year 11 psychologists worked independently on some very challenging tasks, developing their intellectual confidence and research skills. They pursued a dual stream of constructing, implementing and analysing the results from a questionnaire survey whilst also investigating an area of potential employment in the future.
Their work has largely been compiled into two eBooks. In The Researcher Project eBook, students have performed very well in their aim to write up their studies in the appropriate scientific style. So, if you were one of the participants in the questionnaires whom we have to thank for making this possible, you can find out the results of the study or studies in which you took part in this book.
In the Psychology Projects 2020 eBook, you can see the pieces students developed in response to a range of tasks built around science journalism, offender profiling, counselling and art.
The eBooks are available to download from the Apple iTunes Bookstore.
Download The Researcher Project here.
Download Psychology Projects 2020 here.