The US Presidential Election breakfast provided a wealth of excitement and knowledge to the Sixth Form Politics students on Wednesday 4th November, who spent the morning watching events as they happened in the Assembly Hall.
Leigh-Ann Cudjoe (Head Girl) reflected on the significance of the event: “From what has been an exhilarating presidential race all in the midst of a pandemic, has led to an even more nail biting results day. As a politics student, the 2020 election has been a highlight of the syllabus and watching the results slowly come out one by one has been both exciting and nerve wracking, as the results have been closer then we would have imagined.
“As a student, monumental events are very few and far between, therefore being able to analyse both the UK general election and the US election has been a great addition to our course. Watching the US election play out showed how important democracy is and how everyone’s voice matters.
“Watching how the results have turned out, with the first female, first black and first Indian American Vice President to be elected as Vice-President of arguably the most powerful country in the world, is extremely inspiring for not just politics students, but all girls.”
Mrs Cruse (History Teacher) added: “The US Presidential Election has been such an exciting one to see unfold and one which will be remembered in History for a number of reasons: The result which meant Trump will only serve one term; the reaction of the President, declaring he had ‘won this election by a lot’ and as the count still went on his very own Vice President starting to distance himself. Antony Scaramucci, Trump’s former White House Communication director said: “It’s sad the way he is handling it”. The election of Biden who is nearly 78 and will be the oldest President elected in the History of America and finally, and most importantly, the election of Kamala Harris as Vice President, she will be the first female and member of an ethnic minority to serve in this role.
“There could not be a more exciting time to be studying Politics because this is going to be a story that will unfold in many different directions.”