Miss Coote (Year 4 Teacher)
Photo - A selection of Student Voice
After two weeks of elections, we are excited to announce that every class in the Junior School has appointed a Student Voice representative.
This role is of the utmost importance, and a great way for students to take on leadership roles. They are responsible for promoting the voice of the student body, whilst also taking into account any problem solving needed and the impact of different issues on their school community. They actively work with teachers and advisors to promote a better learning environment for all.
In the past, Student Voice have been responsible for creating our new playground charter and organising food bank collections. They have even had the responsibility of purchasing new playground equipment based on the views of their fellow classmates. To do these things, they have had to be bold in their decision making, imaginative in the ways in which they tackle problems and reflective about their next steps.
I am really looking forward to working with this new cohort – based on their reflections during our session yesterday there are lots of great things to look forward to at BGS in the coming year!