Eleanor Hind (Upper Sixth)
On Monday evening, the Junior Aradin Club undertook a research session with Bedford School as part of their project, which they will present at the Cambridge Festival of Ideas on Friday 19th October.
Aradin is a charity, which helps minority communities in the Middle East to preserve their language and heritage. Our aim was to see how people of different age, gender and ethnicity identify and value their culture within society. We did this by giving the boys and girls a survey to complete, followed by gender specific breakout groups, where they had to respond to a challenging text, before returning to a mixed feedback session.
From this we have gained valuable data, which will now be analysed alongside our primary research into culture and language to generate emerging themes to present at the Cambridge Festival of Ideas.
The festival was set up in 2008 to engage the public in new and exciting ideas relating to arts, humanities and social sciences. It is attended each year by Cambridge alumni, special guests and local public figures.
We hope many of you can attend our workshop, which will take place on Friday 19th October, 5:30pm - 6:30pm. For more information, click here