From Concept to Stage
Whole School House

By Mrs Horton (Drama Teacher and Head of Parks)

On Wednesday 25th September the doors of the Assembly Hall opened once again for the BGS annual House Drama competition, featuring a twist: all storylines, costumes, set designs, sound, characters and casting had to be completed in a day!

Excitement filled the air as Lower Sixth students from each House welcomed their Year 7 cast members into the rehearsal spaces. They began with team-building and get-to-know-you games, fostering an atmosphere of trust and fun that grew throughout the day.

By morning break, each House had established a storyline, collaboratively created by the Lower Sixth and Year 7 through energetic narrative-building games. The Lower Sixth directors developed this during rehearsals, ensuring every student knew their lines and actions for clear communication on stage. The buzz of activity extended beyond performance, as the Lower Sixth, with the help of competent Year 7s, worked hard to create a programme, poster, and social media marketing for their plays. They also devised a complete sound design, operated during performances, while costumes, sets, and props were crafted in record time.

At 3pm, the moment everyone had been working towards arrived: the performances! Franklin opened the show with a fantastic rendition based on the film Inside Out. Their performance was slick and well-rehearsed, showcasing excellent ensemble work and clever design. Next, Austen delivered an unforgettable and humorous mash-up of famous fairy tales, including a "street" version of the Gruffalo. Chanel followed with a stunning 5-minute version of Disney’s Frozen, featuring the iconic Elsa walk, a rendition of Let it Go with fake snow, and a delightful appearance from pantomime Sven the donkey. Parks then presented an incredibly clever piece of theatre that had the audience piecing together clues before revealing a thought-provoking message about teamwork. Hepburn re-told Goldilocks and the Three Bears, culminating in an epic dance battle! Finally, Nightingale performed a heroic quest to find Constance the lost cow with the help of all the farm animals, showcasing spectacular costumes.

Mrs Gibson (Headmistress) served as our judge, offering helpful feedback to each House before announcing Franklin as the winner for organisation and effort and Austen for overall performance.

The joyful day provided a wonderful opportunity for collaboration as our Year 7 students settle into the Senior School and form friendships with each other as well as their Sixth Form role-models.

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From Concept to Stage