Photo: Maddie (Upper Sixth)
Mrs Axford (Assistant Head)
House Talent is one of the key House Events of the Year and the House Talent Cup is awarded to the House that scores the most points in terms of entries, numbers of finalists in their House and Acts which finish on the podium, scoring maximum points.
It was so refreshing to see such a breadth of talent stepping up to audition in House Talent 2021
What makes House Talent so special is that it is a competition that runs right through from Years 3 to Upper Sixth.
This year 25 different acts reached the Finals and on Tuesday afternoon everyone across the school settled down to watch it and then at the end of the day staff and students voted for their favourite Junior and Senior act
Once all the House Points for House Talent were added up, the winning House and Individual Acts placed in the top 3 were revealed in the final House assembly of the Term.
In the Junior School, the winner was Dele Vincent (Year 4) from Chanel with her very accomplished Violin solo. Dele was closely followed by Olivia Deverill (Year 6) in second place with her beautiful upbeat rendition of Wonderful Life from the film, Smallfoot. In third place in the Junior section was Ati Salako (Year 4) from Nightingale telling her jokes, which made everyone smile.
In the Senior School, the winner was Maddie Warlow (Upper Sixth) from Parks playing the piano and singing the James Bond theme Tune No time to Die. Maddie is hoping to pursue a career in the music industry and therefore it was particularly fitting that she gained the most votes in the senior competition.
In second place was Isla Campbell (Year 9) from Franklin singing and playing the piano and performing her own Original Composition and in third place were Avani Tambe and Cody Cochrane (Lower Sixth) from Chanel, singing a duet I see the Light from the film Tangled.
In the overall Competition in 3rd place it was Nightingale with 202 points. In 2nd place was Chanel with 225 points and with a mighty 260 points the winner of the 2021 House Talent Cup was Parks. Molly Jewers, Park’s House Captain proudly received the Talent cup.
House Point Totals at the end of the Autumn Term are:
Austen – 2481
Chanel – 2699
Franklin – 2393
Hepburn – 2459
Nightingale – 2581
Parks - 2686