There are plenty of House Points up for grabs in the Bake Off competitions. The final deadline for this week’s bread baking competition is Monday 1st March. The Bake Off competitions can be entered on Google Classroom using the following code: r7y4sgk
Highly commended submissions for each task will be publicised in your weekly BGS Community EDIT, on our social media sites and will be rewarded with more house points towards your House Totals.
BGS Thank You NHS House Bake Off – Week 4 – Traybake
The BGS community have been super busy baking over the half term holiday and we have had over 50 entries for Traybake week. It was lovely to be able to judge all the different flavours and colourful designs. We’re sure they all tasted delicious.
Overall Traybake winner
Mrs Inkson (Head of Year 6) - Parks. We were super impressed with Mrs Inkson’s Almond and Yogurt sponge decorated with an intricate colourful pattern.
Senior School
1st Place – Holly Stuart (Year 7) – Parks. Holly’s design really captures the Traybake brief, and shows cases our continued thanks for all the NHS workers. Great idea, and executed brilliantly.
Runner up – Ella Bowis (Year 9) – Austen.
Junior School
1st Place – Jenna Mistry (Year 4) - Parks. We loved the different words that Jenna stamped out on her Lemon vegan traybake. Such a wonderful way to say thank you to NHS workers.
Runner Up – Francesca Woolley (Year 5) – Chanel.
Letters in the Environment House Competition
Thank you to everyone who put in their very creative entries for this competition. There were some absolutely fantastic entries, view them HERE.
Highly Commended
Emmy Tolmie (Year 3) – Franklin.
Jenna Mistry (Year 4) – Parks.
Holly Stuart (Year 7) – Parks.
Kaila Hill (Year 9) – Hepburn.
Jemma Oldroyd (Year 10) – Parks.
Sophia Gallagher (Lower Sixth) – Hepburn.
Ella Turner (Upper Sixth) – Hepburn.
Emily Dunning (Upper Sixth) – Austen.
Mrs McPhail (Geography Teacher) – Nightingale.
Toss a Pancake Challenge
It was great fun watching your videos. There were a number of dogs watching on hopefully but you coped well with the pressure and almost all your pancakes landed back in the pan!
Franklin were the winners with 17 entries.
Arts Team Valentine Challenge - What love means to you
There were some lovely entries, view them HERE.
1st Lennita Pitt (Year 8) – Parks.
2nd Amelia-Rose Aris (Year 4) – Hepburn.
3rd Aleena Azam (Year 7) – Austen.
New Competitions
Line by Line Project created by Karissa Singh (Upper Sixth).
This is an exciting project for any student in the Senior School to take part in, to add a little creative spark to your lockdown life. It's called LineByLine and it's a chance to unify all our voices in one large poem that will be displayed in the school as a legacy to our lockdown life
Please see Mrs Axford’s email for the details, enter HERE.
Existing Competitions
LGBTQ+ History Month Challenge
There have been some really interesting entries highlighting some fantastic LGBTQ+ Role Models. Deadline Sunday 7th March 5.00pm. Upload your entries HERE.