BGS Achieves Outstanding IB Results
IB Exam Results

We are delighted to announce that we have once again achieved outstanding IB Diploma results. The students' commitment and perseverance have paid off and we are extremely proud of them all.

Our average score was an impressive 37 points, with a third of the cohort achieving over 40 points. Students will be embarking on a wide range of courses at leading universities, including courses as varied as Classics at Oxford, International Development at King’s College London, Civil Engineering and Aerospace Engineering at Sheffield and Medicine at St George’s London and Queen’s University Belfast.

This IB Diploma cohort leaves BGS with the knowledge that they have developed the skills, intellect and attributes to navigate the next stage of their lives with great confidence. They are well prepared for the independent nature of university study. We wish them all great success and look forward to hearing about their new adventures.

Mrs Gibson, Headmistress, said: “We are delighted to have once again achieved outstanding IB Diploma results. The students' impressive average score of 37 points, with a third of the cohort achieving over 40 points, is a testament to their hard work and commitment. This success not only reflects their academic achievements but also underscores the benefits of the IB Diploma Programme in nurturing critical thinking, global awareness and effective communication skills. As they leave BGS, equipped with these achievements, they are poised to make a positive impact and difference in the wider world. I am sure you will join me in congratulating them all.”

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BGS Achieves Outstanding IB Results