The Rhino Whisperer
Junior School

On Wednesday morning, the Junior School pupils were in for a treat when they met rhino ranger and conservationist James Mwenda.

The event was organised by the UK based conservation charity, Helping Rhinos, which creates awareness of the issues threatening the global rhino population. The charity does this through international education programmes that deliver tangible results in rhino protection, habitat preservation, a reduction in the illegal wildlife trade and the empowerment of local communities.

James was making his first ever trip to the UK to mark the first anniversary of Sudan’s death, who was the world's last surviving male northern white rhino.

James shared his experience of how he started work at the Ol Pejeta Conservancy rhino unit in East Africa in 2015 where he first met Sudan. Sudan was one of four northern white rhinos that moved to Kenya in 2009 from a zoo in the then Czechoslovakia. When, Suni, the other male died of natural causes in 2014, Sudan was the last male northern white rhino left in the world.

At the end of 2017, Sudan suffered from an infection in his right hind leg. Although his condition improved in subsequent months, the infection returned, and, in March 2018, his state seriously deteriorated, despite intensive care Sudan was euthanised on 19 March 2018 at the ripe old age of 45.

Today, James cares for the last two remaining female northern white rhinos – Sudan’s daughter Najin and his granddaughter Fatu.  Students heard James talk about his abiding love of Sudan and why he is determined to care for and protect Najin and Fatu. 

At the end of the presentation James said: “I hope the story of the northern white rhino will inspire people to do more and realise that we do not have much time left. The time is now to save endangered species and ensure their future is granted through our actions and commitment.”

The girls were engaging throughout, asking thoughtful and meaningful questions about rhino conservation. After the Easter break they will be promoting their many ideas around conservation to BGS and the wider community.     

For more information on James and Sudan visit the Helping Rhinos website here.

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The Rhino Whisperer