There are plenty of House Points up for grabs in the various competitions. Remember to keep entering and sending in your wonderful efforts to Mrs Axford (Assistant Head), or post them on your social media channels and tag #BGSCommunity.
Highly commended submissions for each task will be publicised in your weekly BGS Community EDIT, on our social media sites and will be rewarded with more house points towards your House Totals.
BGS Thank You NHS House Bake Off – Week 5 – Bread
The BGS community have pulled out all their baking skills this week to produce a plethora of Hot Cross Buns. Bread week is notoriously difficult but our BGS talented bakers have truly excelled.
Senior School
1st Place – Isabel Jackson (Year 10) – Nightingale. Isabel’s Hot Cross Buns are exceptional. They are well risen and even in shape and decoration. A Hot Cross Bun Triumph, well done Isabel!
Joint runner up – Senior School – Jessica Parrish (Year 8) – Chanel.
Joint runner up – Senior School – Holly Stuart (Year 7) – Parks.
Junior School
1st Place – Emily Pugsley (Year 6) – Hepburn. We loved the different pattern that Emily decorated her Hot Cross Buns with, super way to say thank you to NHS workers.
Joint Runner Up – Maya Wyatt (Year 5) – Chanel.
Joint Runner Up – Sophia Perkins (Year 6) – Nightingale.
Highly commended submissions for each task will be publicised in your weekly BGS Community EDIT, on our social media sites and will be rewarded with more house points towards your House Totals.
New Competitions
Bonus Round in this week’s Bake Off
Meranie Kairu (Lower Sixth) and Aisha Njomo (Upper Sixth) - Lead Ambassadors of the African and Caribbean Society (ACS).
To spice things up, the ACS are running a bonus round in this week's House Bake Off Competition!
We want you to have a go at making an African or Caribbean dish of your choice, which will be the perfect main course for the cupcakes you are baking.
To submit your entry, email [email protected] with a photo of your entry, your full name and house. The deadline is Monday 8th March 2021.
We would love for everyone to give it a try, even if you have not yet entered the house Bake Off. If you are unsure which dish to choose, you can draw inspiration from our 'Food Glorious Food' booklet attached in the email you received from Mrs Axford. Good luck, let's get cooking!
Existing Competitions
There are plenty of House Points up for grabs in the Bake Off competitions. The final deadline for this week’s Cupcake competition is Monday 8th March
The Bake Off competitions can be entered on Google Classroom using the following code: r7y4sgk
LGBTQ+ History Month Challenge
There have been some really interesting entries highlighting some fantastic LGBTQ+ Role Models. Deadline Sunday 7th March 5.00pm. Please upload your entries using the following link HERE.
Line by Line Project
Created by Karissa Singh (Upper Sixth)
This is an exciting project for any student in the senior school to take part in, to add a little creative spark to your lockdown life. It's called LineByLine and it's a chance to unify all our voices in one large poem that will be displayed in the school as a legacy to our lockdown life. Please see Mrs Axford’s email for the detail, enter HERE.