We are delighted to announce that the School Sport Magazine has ranked BGS as the 14th best all-girls’ independent day school for sport in 2023.
This places us in the top 7% of all-girls’ independent day schools in the country for sports – a truly exceptional achievement, especially considering our competition from schools offering sports scholarships and specialising in sports education.
Overall, we ranked as the 91st best independent school for sport, this category includes boys, mixed, day and boarding.
The list reflects competitive achievements in a range of disciplines throughout last year and honours those schools that take competitions especially seriously.
Noticeable achievements include the U13 hockey team reaching the semi-finalists in the Independent Schools Cup and the U16 hockey team achieving a bronze in the Tier 3 Hockey Competition. There was national success in Lacrosse, with our U19 A and B teams becoming Division 2 National Lacrosse Champions. The U14 team became County Lacrosse Champions, placing them in the top 10 nationally. Our U10 to U13 netball teams became County Netball Champions. Our impressive rowers made the quarter-finals at the Henley Women's Regatta, alongside making multiple A and B finals at the National Schools' Regatta. Our U18 swimmers won both the Medley and Freestyle relays at the ESSA Swimming Regional Round and also broke the East and South East Regional Medley Record.
Finally, our cricket programme, introduced in the summer of 2022, continues to thrive, with our U13 and U15 reaching the Regional finals.
Mrs Mason-McLeod, Director of Sport, reflected: “At BGS, we are dedicated to providing a quality sporting education across all age groups. It's equally important for our students to have an environment where they can develop, improve and enjoy their sport. Our sports department plays a vital role in helping each student build resilience and self-confidence.”
A big thank you to our dedicated PE department teaching and coaching staff, parents and very committed and talented students who have been instrumental in this achievement.