Grace Gaffey (Year 9)
On Friday 16th March, Year 9 travelled to the NEC Arena in Birmingham to attend the Big Bang Fair.
This is a Science and Engineering Fair specially aimed at teenagers to get them involved in STEM. We were treated to hundreds of hands-on STEM activities and workshops. My highlight of the show floor was printing my face onto a sweet!
Throughout the day, many stage shows were also happening including The Gastronaut and the Quantum Mechanical Chocolate Factory show, which was all about how chocolate is made through STEM. The show featured Anna Ploszajski (pictured above), an alumna of Dame Alice Harpur School (2009), who is now a materials engineer at University College London. Speaking to her after the show was inspirational for us as girls looking possibly to go into careers involving STEM. Anna is a positive role model for all of us.
The fair has helped me understand science and engineering more in a real life environment.
View all the Big Bang Fair activities here.