Body Confidence Week
Sixth Form

This week, Upper Sixth students Rebecca O'Reilly and Ruth Flegmann have taken over BGS, aiming to empower girls to love, respect and value their bodies and who they are.

Amongst their many initiatives this week, Rebecca, Ruth and Lauren Lewis (Head Girl) have written empowering quotes and messages across the school on bathroom mirrors and assembled a display which features models of all sizes, races, shapes, body types - to show girls that there is no one standard beauty ideal and being beautiful isn't about fitting society's 'perfect' mould.

Rebecca and Ruth said: “We were really inspired to start this campaign because we have both grown up feeling we weren’t beautiful because of our weight and appearance. Luckily, we realised as we got older that no one has the right to tell us our worth except us, and we both think we are Queens.

“Our vision is for all of the girls in the school to believe the same thing; to love their bodies no matter what scars, stretch marks or so called ‘imperfections’ they have.

“We hope this project will continue over the rest of the year, as we have received such an amazing response that we didn’t think could come from just one assembly. We are planning to start clubs, have photo shoots and have confidential clinics where girls can talk about their insecurities, all of which have been suggested by girls. We want to embrace all of their ideas as this project for them. Watch this space!”

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Body Confidence Week