Christine Pearson (Sports Captain, Lower Sixth)
On Friday 3rd May, Bedford Girls’ School invited both parents and students alike to celebrate the countless sporting achievements of the 2018-19 season, and it was an evening of both inspiration and success.
Throughout the evening, colours and awards were given out to girls in Year 10 and upwards, recognising not only the sporting achievements of the girls inside of school, but also out of school, from county level to an international level, giving all attendees the opportunity to learn about the successes of teams and individuals from Years 10 to the Upper Sixth.
Accompanying us for the evening, we were lucky enough to have Joanna Roswell Shand as our special guest speaker. A double Olympic medallist, World and Commonwealth champion Team GB cyclist, Joanna gave an insight into her journey to becoming extremely successful in her cycling event, the Team Pursuit. She highlighted both the highs and lows of her career, as well as how coincidentally she fell into cycling.
Joanna demonstrated that it is possible for everybody to excel in something they want to succeed in, no matter how many setbacks they come across. I am sure that I am speaking on behalf of everybody who attended in saying that we were all inspired by Joanna’s speech, and that she is, and will continue to be an influential role model to many young female athletes across the globe.
Many congratulations to girls who achieved and were nominated for awards, and thank you to all of the parents for supporting and enabling their daughters to receive these special awards.
Congratulations to the following individual and team award winners:
International Honours
Maddie Axford (Hockey, Year 11)
Ella Cotton (Water polo, Upper Sixth)
Sophie Lewis (Cycling, Lower Sixth)
Georgia Staroscik (Golf, Upper Sixth)
Team of the Year Award
1st Lacrosse
Sports Woman of the Year Award
Sophie Lewis (Lower Sixth)
Most Improved Award
Jossy Young (Year 10)
Contribution to School Sport Award
Vicki Sadler (Upper Sixth)