Fun in Year 5!
Junior School

Mrs Whomsley (Head of Year 5)

We have had a busy start to the new year with many new pupils to welcome to our year group. As teachers, we have been so impressed by how well everyone has settled into their new classes and the kindness shown to each other as new friendships are formed.

Over the past few days, we have enjoyed finding out more about our new friends and reflecting on the ways we approach our learning. One example of this was a challenge set to make a pair of ‘crazy glasses’ from just 3 pieces of paper and sellotape. As well as thinking about a theme for the design to decorate them, they had to consider how to construct the glasses so they would be able to fit and stay on their faces. This is not as easy as it sounds and we learnt much about resilience and perseverance from it!

We are very excited to embark on our first Unit of Inquiry with some exciting visits and trips to look forward to.

View the crazy glasses designs here.

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Fun in Year 5!