Polo Wins National Award
Junior School

We are thrilled to announce that BGS Pets as Therapy Labradoodle, Polo, has been awarded a national award by Vets Kitchen.

The Woof and Well Award was launched by healthy pet food company Vet’s Kitchen in recognition of the contribution dogs have made to our health and wellbeing, drawing heart-warming stories of dogs supporting their families and helping others feel better.

A calming, reassuring and valued member of the BGS community, Polo has been coming into BGS the last 10 years. His presence in the school has been invaluable for the student’s mental health and brightening their day. He is quick to pick up on signs of anxiety and his gentle approach calms and restores confidence.

Polo’s proud owner, Mrs Thompson who is a Teaching Assistant in the Junior School, commented: Polo really is a very special boy. He is so kind, caring and gives so much of himself to help and comfort others. We really are so very lucky to have him in our lives.”

Read the full announcement at Vets Kitchen here.

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Polo Wins National Award