Goals galore for BGS Lacrosse
Senior School Lacrosse

Mrs Mason-Mcleod (PE Teacher)

Our lacrosse teams started the spring term with 11 teams playing against St Paul’s Girls’ School. There was a real buzz at Cople Fields with all the games having a plethora of goals, totalling 86 in our favour!

The 1st XII drew 13-13 after what was a nail biting game of end to end attacking play. Other results from the morning were: 2nd XII lost 7-4, U15A lost 5-7, U15B won 9-1, U14A won 11-6, U14B won 7-5, U13A drew 5-5, U13B won 8-3, U12A lost 5-6, U12B won 9-0 and the U12C won 7-3. With only three teams narrowly losing, it was a fantastic start the lacrosse season.

A special mention must go to the U12B team who were the only team to keep a clean sheet on the day.

BGS will be hosting another exciting block fixture with 12 teams facing St Albans High School for Girls on the morning of the Saturday 19th January.

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Goals galore for BGS Lacrosse