We were delighted to welcome back BGS alumna Juliet Hodgson last week (Thursday 17th January). Since leaving BGS in the summer, she has managed to pack a lot in over the last few months.
Juliet initially visited Nepal with Raleigh International and was part of a team of women helping to dig a pipeline.
From Nepal, Juliet travelled to Australia (via a short stay in Malaysia), with the purpose of attending some university open days. However, she ended up staying for a couple of months and earning a modest living as a pasta chef in an upmarket fast food eatery. A trip to Israel followed and she spent time travelling around the country.
On her return to the UK, Juliet undertook work experience at Salamander Pumps. During this time, she made a flow pressure gauge and she was particular keen to show this to Physicist, Mrs Keeler, during her visit to BGS.
Juliet departed the UK at the weekend for the University of Technology in Sydney. She will be studying for a duel degree in Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation. Juliet would like to be a Design Engineer with the aim of helping companies develop environmental solutions.
We're always delighted to welcome alumnae back. To arrange a personal visit please contact Emma MacKenzie, The Alumnae Office - [email protected] or call 01234 361900.