Year 3 Visit Salvete Care Home
Junior School Community

Mrs Martin (Head of Year 3) and Miss Coote (Year 3 Teacher)

This week, Year 3 embarked on a new venture working alongside the charity Friends for Life Bedford. The local charity works to address the social isolation of residents in Bedford’s care homes.

Linking with our philosophy to be internationally minded and tying in with our current Unit of Inquiry, the girls were able to gain an understanding of how previous generations have an impact on our daily lives. It was an opportunity for the girls to show empathy and explore the experiences of the care home residents. By interacting with these older generations as part of their education, they begin to foster a mutual respect through fun activities.

During this first visit, the girls had the opportunity to experience a new environment, develop their communication skills and engage with the residents over a cake decorating activity, before reading them one of their favourite stories. Many residents may not have any grandchildren in their life, and would otherwise miss out on the joys of being entertained by children, so it was lovely to see the residents reactions to interacting with our girls.

We were so proud of the attention and care the girls displayed and we are really looking forward to building deeper relationship in the next few weeks, as we continue our Year 3 series of visits to Salvete Care Home located in Rothsay Place, Bedford.

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Year 3 Visit Salvete Care Home