Inspirational student, Mollie Sawford (Lower Sixth), is fundraising for Cancer Research UK. She is planning to donate all of her hair to the Little Princess Trust in October. With many charities struggling due to the current crisis, it would be great if the BGS Community can support this cause. Please donate here.
We spoke to Mollie about her campaign, she said: “I’ve been growing my hair out since September 2017 (the start of year 10) and it is currently 22-23. I started fundraising in March just before lockdown. A close friend of mine who is the same age as me was diagnosed this month with cancer, meaning the charity is now much closer to my heart.
“I am raising money in support of her and anyone who has been affected. My friend is starting her treatment imminently and will be receiving a wig from the Little Princess Trust. When I am able to, I will shave my hair to donate it all to the Little Princess Trust, who support children and young adults by providing them with free, fitted wigs made from real hair.”