Mrs Allen (Careers Administrator)
The Bridge continues to support students albeit virtually. Linking with organisations across the country, we are able to share a wealth of opportunities with the girls ranging from conferences, webinars and podcasts to work experience programmes and ‘live’ interactive events, such as the one currently being offered by the University Hospital Birmingham. It is important that students in Sixth Form continue to build a portfolio of experiences that can be used to support job, apprenticeship and degree course applications. Large organisations are developing in-depth virtual opportunities and we do not want the girls to feel they have missed out just because they are learning from home.
One such event shared last week was a free conference held by the Lawyer Portal. Students in Years 11 and Sixth Form were invited to attend the three hour event. Feedback has been really positive from those that attended, highlighting the opportunities available in Law and not just via the university degree route. Many large organisations have their own in-house lawyers and degree level apprenticeships are available for those who want to earn as they learn.
Vittoria Sepede (Year 11) reflected on the event: “After not knowing much about Law apprenticeships, I decided to attend the Lawyer’s Portal conference on Saturday. It was extremely beneficial as I gained a deeper understanding of the apprenticeships offered by a vast range of different firms and also got the opportunity to listen to those currently studying Law. It showed me what companies tend to look for in the interviewing process too- overall I think it has given me a better picture of my future aspirations.”
Students have also been sent a 6-month online work experience opportunity for AHP careers run by Medic Mentor, online work experience opportunities at HSBC and information about an event M&S are holding with regard to their wide range of apprenticeships across their organisation. The Bridge will continue to share opportunities and girls should use these as tools in their research for life after BGS. We will also be sending links to a number of competitions that universities are running. Entering these provides evidence for Personal Statements, interviews and if students win, most offer a cash prize.
Next Wednesday, The Bridge will be running the annual Higher Education event for the Lower Sixth with students participating in the afternoon and a separate online event in the evening for parents. We have live talks from University of Birmingham, the University of Bath and Cambridge University as well as recorded talks from Newcastle University and the University of Birmingham. Mrs Whitlock (Head of Careers) and Mrs Woolley (Director of Sixth Form) will also be offering parents a live Q&A to discuss to support that The Bridge and Sixth form team offer.
The Bridge also continues to remotely support the Upper Sixth through the UCAS process with many girls having now heard back from a number of their university choices. Some have now had all five responses and are able to take the next steps towards choosing their Firm and Insurance choices and staff are available to help them throughout this process.