Exploring Career Paths
Whole School The Bridge Careers Service

By Mrs Martin (Head of Year 3)

On Thursday 20th June, BGS hosted an inspiring Whole School Careers Fayre, engaging students from both the Junior and Senior Schools. The event aimed to provide a broad perspective on various career paths and the skills necessary for success, showing firm foundations for students to flourish across the whole school.

The Junior School was abuzz with excitement as each year group participated in workshops and presentations covering diverse fields such as conservation, counselling, corporate social responsibility, physiotherapy, aviation safety, buying and academic research. These sessions were designed to ignite curiosity and expand understanding of different professions, with hands-on activities and engaging discussions.

Meanwhile, Senior School students had the opportunity to interact with professionals from a wide range of sectors including the military, law enforcement, finance, business development, clinical research, construction, aerospace engineering, healthcare, real estate, digital transformation, patent litigation, urban planning, financial advising, surgery, product management, and sound engineering. These sessions provided insights into career paths and the evolving job market, emphasising leadership, innovation and community impact.

In addition to professional insights, various school departments showcased how their subjects can lead to different career opportunities. This helped students see the connection between their studies and potential future careers, covering areas like Sciences, Arts, Humanities and Technology.

The event was a resounding success, offering students valuable exposure to a variety of professions and the skills needed for their futures. We are excited to build on this success for future events, continuing to inspire and guide our students toward their career goals.

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Exploring Career Paths