Remember to keep entering and sending in your amazing efforts to Mrs Axford (Assistant Head), or post them on your social media channels and tag #BGSCommunity. There are plenty of House Points up for grabs in the Bake Off competitions. The final deadline for the pizza competitions is Monday 25th January.
The Bake Off competitions can be entered on Google Classroom using the following code: r7y4sgk
The new House Competition this week is Letters in the Environment organised by Miss Nelson (Art and Textiles Teacher).
For details of this competition please see the email you received from Mrs Axford today. The aim of this competition is to get you outdoors looking for hidden meaning in your environment and the deadline for entries is Sunday 21st February.
Highly commended submissions for each task will be publicised in your weekly BGS Community EDIT, on our social media sites and will be rewarded with more house points towards your House Totals.