Mrs Allen (Careers Administrator)
The Bridge Careers Service are running a Themed Careers focus this term looking at Allied Health Professions (AHP). This year, UCAS has seen a significant rise in applications for health and medical related courses. The pandemic has raised awareness of the need to fully staff and recruit skilled professionals to work within the Health Service in the UK. It is anticipated that this trend will continue in future years. The importance of a highly skilled, multi-disciplinary team working within our hospitals, care homes and community has become evident in the last 12-months.
AHP roles are more important than ever and are essential positions in all areas of the NHS and private practice. Students from Years 10 to Upper Sixth have been provided with information, video presentations, links to courses, webinars and blogs to aid their research, helping them to build a wider education portfolio. This will support them with their investigation in to future careers and courses in the Health Sector, as they move forward on their education and career pathway.
We hope to offer further information from Alumnae who are training in or currently work in these roles, to further motivate and inspire the students seeking to enter the wider medical profession.
We would love to hear from parents/guardians that are currently working in AHP roles. If you would like to offer any words of advice for our students please email [email protected]