Miss Dawson, Biology Teacher (CAS & Service Coordinator)
Last week, Deborah Inskip, Chairman and Trustee of Bedford Hospital Charity and Friends, came into school to collect all of the donations from across the BGS community, which were delivered and dropped off during lockdown. These items will be distributed to NHS staff and volunteers working in Bedford.
This haul amounts to over 100 packs of face wipes, almost 200 packets of biscuits and chocolate, and over 200 hand creams, lip balms and face masks. Thank you to everyone who donated for their generosity and support.
Outgoing Service Captain, Sherya Arun said: “It’s been a very difficult year for all the NHS staff who have been working tirelessly to help fight COVID. We wanted to show our support and gratitude. We are all so grateful for their incredible work and want the staff to know how much we appreciate them.”