Mr Keating-Roberts (Director of Music)
It seems baffling to think that it has been a year since the first Lockdown. I’ll never forget the moment that two hours before the Spring Concert last year after the government announced measures bringing us to a National Lockdown and that all schools would close, therefore cancelling the event. The immense sense of responsibility and dread I felt telling the students and staff involved that the concert would be postponed indefinitely with immediate effect.
I needn’t have worried, the incredible strength, ingenuity and resilience of the entire BGS community took this time of uncertainty in its stride and it continues to be awe inspiring to me how our students and all our staff not only cope with the challenges we face but appear to thrive as a result; it is for reasons such as this that I am incredibly proud when I have the opportunity to tell people that I work at BGS.
So, this Spring Concert is in celebration of that incredibly unique resilience with highlights of superb exam performances, Festival winners and fantastic examples of the Music being performed come rain or pandemic.
View the full concert HERE.