Lower Sixth Represent Charities
Sixth Form Community

The second annual First Give final took place last Thursday (21st April).

The six teams selected to go through to the final to compete for the £1500 grant money on offer were King’s Arms Project, Yarl’s Wood Befrienders, NOAH Enterprise, CHUMS, Bedford and District Cerebral Palsy Society (BDCPS), Amicus Trust and CAN.

The judging panel was made up of Counsellor Luigi Reale (Bedford Council), Rosie Newbiggin (Volunteer Co-ordinator from The Higgins Gallery), Lucy Bardner (Grants Manager for The Harpur Trust), Jo Mackenzie (Headmistress) and Natasha Banghard (Service Captain). 

Despite a lot of nerves, the presentations were of a high standard, and the level of creativity was excellent. 

After much discussion and deliberation, the judges awarded the £1000 grant money to Veronica Coladangelo, Betsy Banks and Grainne Williams and their chosen charity of CHUMS, a mental health and emotional wellbeing charity for people aged 3-18. The teams representing BDCPS and CAN were each awarded £250 for their charities.

Mrs Dawson, Charities Co-ordinator, said: “The whole programme has been a fantastic opportunity for our Lower Sixth students to interact with charities in our local community.

“Despite not winning, several of the groups have already started to plan events to continue to raise awareness and, hopefully, some money for their charities, with potential long lasting relationships having begun because of First Give.”

Betsy Banks, representing CHUMS, and Lucy Kemble, representing CAN, added: “The fact that we were given the opportunity to interact with and raise awareness of, as well as money for, a charity of our choice was very rewarding. Knowing exactly how the money will be used and meeting the people whose lives may be changed by it, made a change from simply donating money.

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Lower Sixth Represent Charities