Cross-country takes off
Whole School Sport

Mrs Howlett (Deputy Head of PE)

On a blustery and wet Wednesday (16th January) afternoon, the BGS cross-country team took to the muddy trails of the annual Bedfordia Cross Country Run at Lincroft Academy.

The event is a highlight in the cross-country calendar, attracting more than 350 pupils from 20 schools in Bedfordshire and surrounding counties.

Split into three age groups amongst a very competitive field, the girls put in a strong team performance, with all three age groups finishing second overall.

A special mention to the Year 8 girls who caught the worst of awful wet weather conditions. The event was also a first for many girls. We would like to offer special praise to these girls because cross-country is certainly a test of character.

Overall results:

Year 5/6 finished 2nd (1st Bedfordshire School).

Year 7 finished 2nd – Race winner Rosie Foster.

Year 8 finished 2nd (1st Bedfordshire School) – Race winner Gabrielle Woodroffe-Gomez.

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Cross-country takes off