Sums add up for Ada Kemp
Junior School Mathematics

The sums certainly add up for Year 6 mathematician Ada Kemp who has secured a place in the national Bonus Round of the Primary Maths Challenge (PMC), which takes place on Wednesday 6th February.

Ada is the first pupil from the Junior School to make it through to this stage, which is a credit to her commitment and hard work. In November, Ada achieved the highest score in the Primary Mathematics Challenge, placing her in the top 10% of the pupils from the 1600 schools that entered the competition.

Ada said: “I was so excited and surprised when I found out that I was through to the next round. It is a privilege to be a part of a competition that is taking place across the whole country. I’ve always loved maths and I think that this will help me to be an even better mathematician.”

Mrs Copp, who is the Deputy Head (Junior School) and Maths Coordinator, adds: “We are so proud of Ada’s achievement to become the first BGS Junior school girl to have been placed in the Bonus Round. We encourage the girls to develop strong mental fluency in Maths and to experience a love of the subject.”

“Being able to articulate thinking, explain and to use a variety of complex problem solving skills will prepare pupils for other subjects as they transition into the Senior School.”

We are all behind Ada on the 6th February when she enters the bonus round of the Primary Maths Challenge. Good luck, Ada!

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Sums add up for Ada Kemp