Mrs Morgan (Senior School Eco Co-ordinator)
To raise awareness of more sustainable ways of getting around and the associated health benefits of cycling, a group of Years 7 and 8 students went on a cycle ride to the nearby Priory Park and Marina on Wednesday lunchtime.
Leaving the school gates and turning onto the cycle way running along the Great River Ouse, the girls pedalled their way the 1.5 mile distance to the Park. Once everyone arrived, we were able to enjoy the serene lake view and have a bite to eat. However, time flies when you’re having fun and it soon became necessary to head back to school.
Sarah Mehrez (Year 7), said: “I really enjoyed the bike ride and it was enjoyable being able to do it with friends and knowing we were doing this together for a good cause!”
The cycle ride follows a recent student survey on the different types of transport used to get to and from school, run by the Eco Council. From responses received, only a small number cycled and so the Eco Council felt it important to encourage more students to ‘get on their bikes’.
Although factors such as the distance from home may make it difficult for some to cycle to and from school, others may find swapping the car for a bike during summer months more feasible, even if it’s just for one day a week. Bedford is fortunate to have a number dedicated cycle routes, with BGS conveniently situated along the Sustrans Cycle Route 51, which runs from Willington to Milton Keynes and beyond. For more information on the various transport and travel options click here.