Juvenes Translatores Contest
Whole School Languages

Señora Gomez (Head of Spanish)

Last Thursday was once again, the big day for over 700 schools across the European Union, with students participating in the Juvenes Translatores Contest.

The Juvenes Translatores (Latin for ‘young translators') aim is to promote language learning in schools and give young people a taste of what it is like to be a translator.

A good translation needs to be true to the original and, at the same time, able to stand on its own for a new audience. Five of our language students tried to put this into practice translating texts from French, German and Spanish into English with topics that ranged from volunteering opportunities for young people to joint projects for European youngsters.

Laia Garnham (Lower Sixth) said: “It was so good to use my language skills outside the classroom doing something completely different!”

Elizabeth Kedward (Lower Sixth) added: “I found the translating competition really fun, and it was a great opportunity to develop my language skills, as well as learn a little about the culture of Spain.”

If you would like to Challenge yourself, why don’t you try to translate one of the texts here.

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Juvenes Translatores Contest