Showcasing drama talent
Senior School Drama and Dance

Mrs Howe (Director of Drama and Dance)

Huge congratulations to our GCSE Drama classes who completed their scripted examination to a visiting examiner last Wednesday 11th March.

This followed an intensive period of rehearsal for our performers and idea creation for our designers. With eight groups performing two extracts each, this was the department’s most ambitious programme to date and the first time that students were assessed as set, costume and sound designers for the externally assessed component; reflecting the continued growth and development of our girls in the technical areas of the theatre.

The students had been working tirelessly, tackling challenging and varied pieces, which took the audience through a smorgasboard of genres, styles and topics - from the socially conscience commentaries on the global movement of human trafficking, the effect of the Kindertransports in WW2 and the true story of the Kurdish Rebel fighter the Angel of Kobane to the absurdly comic Gameplan, Alice and Wonderful World of Dissocia, which prompted students to develop perfect coming timing to represent a number of crazy scenarios such as flying cars, body disposal and ‘Insecurity’ guards. The audience was greatly appreciative of the skill and confidence displayed by the girls to both move and entertain them in equal measure.

The whole Drama department is extremely proud of all the students achieved and supported by the visiting examiner expressing just how slick she felt each performance was. It was an incredible way to end the practical component of the course. Well done to all!

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Showcasing drama talent